A Bite of His Heart - lovenmaze (2024)

Sasuke is standing in front of Naruto’s apartment door. Why? He doesn’t know, or maybe he does but he doesn’t want to acknowledge it yet. He can’t even recall how he got here. But he’s here, he’s here because there’s something in him that needs Naruto — to see Naruto, to be with Naruto, just Naruto.It’s clawing in its cage and slowly driving Sasuke insane. He’s trapped it deep inside him for years, but he can't exactly control it ever since the war ended and Sasuke left for his journey. And perhaps it’s because deep down, he knows Naruto feels the same way.

Still, he didn’t think this through though, on how to approach Naruto, that is. He’s so out of it that he didn’t even bother sending a message.

He lifts his remaining hand to knock on Naruto’s door, he knows he’s inside, he can feel him. He hears footsteps slowly making their way toward the door where he stands, I must’ve awakened him, Sasuke thinks.

The door opens, and he sees Naruto rubbing his eyes, slowly widening, probably taking the sight of Sasuke in.

“S-Sasuke?! You’re here! In Konoha! Outside my apartment! Wait, this isn’t some sort of genjutsu right? sh*t, maybe the lack of sleep is catching up to me and I’m hallucinating or–” Naruto rambles.

Sasuke can’t hear the rest of what he’s saying, instead he’s looking at Naruto, sleep still evident on him, the fingerprints of slumber leaving marks; on his crumpled shirt, raspy voice, and slightly tired eyes.

Sasuke’s eye suddenly widens, “You cut your hair short?”

That seems to remind Naruto that Sasuke is in front of him, “Huh? Oh! Yeah, it was kinda getting in the way, so.. Wait– that’s not important right now!”

“Hn. You look like an idiot,” Sasuke says, but of course, deep down, he doesn’t mean that.

Naruto’s eyes widen and then soften, accompanied by a bright smile. “It is you.”

Sasuke never thought he could feel someone’s gaze, especially someone with visual prowess like him. But Naruto’s gaze feels soft, yet tender; and he feels naked, letting him see everything.

A beat.

“Uh, sorry! I didn’t even invite you in, whoops!” Naruto steps aside, gesturing for Sasuke to come in.

“Huh. Are you letting me in? You sure it’s me?” Sasuke teases, arching his brow.

Naruto smiles. “I would recognize you anywhere, you know that.”

He does. He just loves hearing it.

Sasuke takes his cloak and shoes off, steps inside, and takes sight of Naruto’s apartment, it’s a bit messy, but so lived in; trinkets and items reflecting bits and pieces of Naruto, some he recognizes, some he doesn’t.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone. What's more, you,” Naruto says as they both walk into the kitchen.

Sasuke chuckles softly, “It’s just me you know,” he puts his hand on his hip, “Also, you? Tidy up?”

“Hey! I know how to tidy up y’know! And it’s not just you, the thing is, it is you, Sasuke.” Naruto pouts and circles around the kitchen, tidying up a bit.

That reawakens the thing inside Sasuke. It’s awake and hungry, it yearns to consume — to consume Naruto.

Naruto, still busy around his apartment, reaches for the fridge and swings it open, “Oh sh*t, I forgot to drop by the market today, you hungry, Sasuke? I could grab you some food or whatever, not much is open at this hour. Oh, I know! I’m pretty sure Ichiraku is still open, do you-” Naruto turns to ask Sasuke, eyes twinkling a bit at the mention of Ichiraku .


“If you’re about to say I can’t eat ramen again then please don’t, I’ve heard enough from Saku–”

Sasuke can’t seem to understand what Naruto is saying, it’s blurry; he’s so overwhelmed. The thing inside him roars, its iron cage rattling loudly. It’s making him dizzy, being in Naruto’s place; the man being a few metres away. Sasuke is so surrounded by him. It should be enough, but it isn’t.

It’s not enough. It’s not enough. He needs Naruto everywhere; beside him, with him, in him.

For some reason, his eyes feel like they’re beating — pulsing. They feel heavy and alive. He puts his hand on his forehead, trying to relieve whatever he’s feeling. There’s a buzzing sound, the air becomes heavy, he can’t breathe, his chest tightens, lungs filled with the scent of the apartment — of Naruto. The room suddenly spins, and his sharingan slowly comes alive unconsciously. His knees weaken and he bumps onto the table, stumbling.

“Sasuke? Woah! Hey, are you okay?” Naruto rushes and grabs him by his arm, and the thing in him soars.

The simple touch sets him on fire, greedy and burning. It’s not close enough, it’s still not enough. Naruto’s hand feels heavy on his arm, and for some reason, Sasuke can feel the skin, muscle, and bone. Something is still separating them, Sasuke doesn’t want that. He needs the taste of his blood, or maybe live in Naruto’s bloodstream, or perhaps open his chest and hold his heart in his hands.

“Sasuke, what’s going on? You-You’re sharingan is activated, here, let me pull out a chair for y-”

Sasuke cuts Naruto off by harshly grabbing his arm, attempting to stand up straight but fails. Instead, he finds himself stumbling towards the man’s body, he wants to lean against him; strip his mask off, and leave himself open.

“Hey, Sasuke? Can you hear me? f*ck, did you fall into some sort of trap along the way? Wait– no, we could figure that out later, I’ll take you to my room, okay? You should rest up.” Naruto says pulling Sasuke’s arm over his shoulder, wrapping his other arm around his waist.

The two make their way towards Naruto’s bedroom, stumbling. Naruto sits Sasuke on his bed, “There, you should rest, I’ve got a futon somewhere so you could take the bed, okay? I’ll go grab them, call me if you need anyt–” Naruto tries to leave, but Sasuke interrupts by grabbing his wrist.

Suddenly, Sasuke could finally take a deep breath, “Stay? Please. I-I just-”

Yeah. Yeah, okay. I can do that.” Naruto says without hesitation.

“Can I sit beside you?” He asks. Sasuke nods.

A beat. They sit in comfortable silence, but within Sasuke is a storm, a feral beast. He wants Naruto, but he can’t get himself to say that, to ask that, he looks at Naruto who looks content.

Naruto. Beautiful and kind Naruto.He wouldn’t think badly of Sasuke, right? He wouldn’t think he was vulnerable, weak, selfish, or desperate. No, the Naruto he knows wouldn’t do that. Not his Naruto.

Sasuke softens at that, and tries; “Naruto? I- Can you touch me? Not the– just.. I just need physical contact. To ground myself. I–”

Naruto looks at him quite shocked, Sasuke doesn’t usually ask things like that. Sasuke tenses upon seeing his reaction, but Naruto quickly replies, “Hey, hey, it’s okay, nothing weird, don’t worry. You okay with holding hands?”

Sasuke inhales, then nods.

Naruto smiles and takes his hand.

He looks at their intertwined hands, it’s everything. Sasuke is holding the sun in his remaining hand, perhaps his other hand was a sacrifice for this. But it’s still not enough.

He wants to bind their bodies together, sew their bones tight, and take a bite of each other’s heart, like a ritual done in front of an altar, with a god as their witness.

Sasuke tries to calm down, but the thing within him can’t stay put, his blood is rushing, like a stormy sea; it’s maddening. The heat of Naruto’s hand is passing to Sasuke’s, his usually cold body melts under the touch. The hand of the person who saved him is within his grasp, gentle and heavy; it will ground him, warm him, and care for him. Sasuke would bleed himself open if he could if that meant showing Naruto his heart, which was so full of – Naruto, that he could hardly call it his own.

Sasuke’s heart picks up its pace, his chest tightens, and so does his grip on Naruto’s hand.

“Sasuke? You okay?” Naruto asks, Sasuke turns to look at him. It’s so blue, Sasuke could drown in them. He could never forget those eyes, he’d see them when looking up at the sky, or when he closed his.

Sasuke doesn’t say anything, he just stares at Naruto, and then at his lips.

Naruto notices, and licks his lips. God, Sasuke wants to get a taste; kiss him so that he can leave a mark, a mark on his lips, so when Naruto talks, his name will be there.

Sasuke must’ve stared for a while, because Naruto shifts and stares back, and suddenly Sasuke is so aware of the eyes on him. And just as Sasuke was about to say something, “Can I kiss you, Sasuke?” Naruto asks.

Shock evident on Sasuke’s face, Naruto panics “Oh, haha! Never mind, sorry, forget I sa–” Sasuke doesn’t even let him finish, instead allowing his lips to meet Naruto’s.

The buzzing in him is louder this time, turning into a melody, a song singing Naruto’s name.

The buzzing mellowed down and turned into a gentle humming, like a sigh of relief, finally. Finally.

It’s a kiss, Sasuke realizes. f*ck, they’re kissing. The two melt into the kiss, and warmth spreads all over Sasuke. It was slow, soft, tender; and everything.

Sasuke never thought of kissing, the act itself didn’t appeal much to him. And yet he’s here, kissing Naruto, and everything feels right; puzzle pieces slowly unraveling a masterpiece, a masterpiece of them. He feels Naruto place his other hand on his cheek, the other still intertwined with his, they’re both afraid of letting go.

Sasuke feels himself slip out of Naruto’s touch, weakened and overpowered by the feel of him. The kiss is slowly unraveling Sasuke, thread by thread, until he’s naked to the bone, revealing his beating heart.

In the heat of the moment, Sasuke thinks about their first kiss, it was a childish and silly accident, while this, was everything he had wanted. It’s so much — too much, and yet it isn’t enough, something in him wants more he wants more. He wants everything Naruto can offer, and Sasuke, lets out a small noise, Naruto is everything.

Their lips find their way towards each other, they crash and collide; they glide against each other like a dance shared by two lovers; or a language only the moon and sun spoke of, like an eclipse.

They grew up thinking they were made for violence, but maybe this is what they were made for. To love and cherish each other, to kiss each other.

They pull apart, and Naruto groans, hands now making their way to Sasuke’s body. Sasuke relaxes in his touch, something he does with Naruto.

“God, I love kissing you,” Naruto says, breathless.

So do I, Sasuke thinks. He really does.

“It’s like you're made for me, f*ck, I-sorry- it’s just-”

Sasuke gets what Naruto is saying, even though he isn’t saying anything, he doesn’t have to.

A beat.

They look at each other, they’re alive. So alive.

Naruto kisses him deeply and slowly, I can taste him, Sasuke thinks, See, he’s alive, he’s on my lips and he’s here with me, he’s alive, he’s alive! We’re alive.

As if both had realized they were alive and together; they reconnect their lips again, but this time with a sense of urgency; like they’re making up for the time they’ve lost. Their slow and careful kisses were now quick and sloppy, and the room was getting hotter.

Need and want are running burningly hot through Sasuke’s body, God he needs Naruto, needs to devour him whole; strip him off of his layers to digest, kiss his lips to stain them red; Sasuke loves so strongly — carnivorously.



That's what it was.

The thing inside him was love all along. He didn’t recognize it, probably because it was different from the love he grew up with. This was burningly scarlet, dangerously green; he was afraid of its burn, its spreading. Maybe this was already in him even as a kid, a flame he forcefully blew out, Naruto rekindling it.

Sasuke hadn’t considered using “love”, to label his feelings towards Naruto; he believed the word wasn’t enough anyway. But he allows himself to love again, it’s Naruto, after all.

Sasuke tries to pull back, while Naruto tries to chase his lips but is interrupted by Sasuke, “Naruto, if we don’t stop–…”

Naruto turns serious, “Do you want to stop?”

Sasuke wets his lips, and pauses. He doesn’t. But he’s a bit afraid. Sasuke wants Naruto to be selfishly, thoughtlessly, and desperately his.

Naruto doesn’t wait for an answer and attempts to kiss him again, “Ah, N-Naruto, Wait-”

Naruto pulls back immediately, afraid he misunderstood the situation.

“f*ck, Did I do something wrong? Do you not want this? Sorry, am I-” Naruto rambles, but Sasuke interrupts.

“No! I mean–yes! Yes, I want this. Sorry, it’s just, do you want this too, Naruto?” Sasuke gazes into Naruto’s blue eyes, hoping he hid desperation well.

“Yes. Yes, I want this Sasuke. Want you too.” Naruto stares at Sasuke seriously.

Sasuke stares back. Naruto wants him? “Why?” He finds himself asking.

“Why wouldn’t I? I’ve always wanted you. I still do.”

Sasuke knew love wasn’t always gentle, bright, and warm. Sometimes it was dirty, gritty, possessive, and hurting. It’s not always an embrace, sometimes it feels like teeth; a bite. He wanted to say that to Naruto and ask him if he was ready to accept his sharp and fanged love.

But before he can think of anything else, Naruto takes his remaining hand and puts it over his chest, his beating heart hidden underneath. He wants to open his ribcage, and stuff himself inside, so he’s warm and a part of Naruto. And this takes Sasuke’s breath away, he wants and feels too much all at once; he’s not used to it. For so long, it seemed that everything around him was dead, dark, and caging; the things he did while with Orochimaru, and the death of his clan and family.

He was so used to seeing his hand take lives, staining them with blood, but the heart he feels on his palm is singing, and alive. He feels the heartbeat vibrate through his bloodstream, he looks at Naruto and understands. With him, love was warm and bright, perhaps gentle, but not always. It was a kiss and a bite, a gentle touch and a tender bruise. It’s theirs.

Sasuke, palm still on Naruto’s chest, brings his lips to his neck, and underneath his lips, he can feel the man’s heartbeat. He opens his mouth, tongue touching the skin. His body shudders, and Naruto tastes warm, like skin or flesh; he tastes alive.

Sasuke tries to bite softly, he’s not going to eat him, maybe get a taste. Perhaps it’s stupid, but he wants to make sure, so he does.

Sasuke is rewarded by a noise from Naruto, beautiful, he thinks.

“Ah, Sasuke, wait, if we keep going I-” Naruto says breathlessly, “Can we–do you want to go further, Sasuke?” Naruto looks into his eyes.

“Yes. Yes, f*ck, I need you.”

“sh*t, yeah, okay.” Naruto takes his hands off Sasuke, who is about to say something but is unable to do so after seeing Naruto take his shirt off.

Sasuke is in awe, Naruto’s so beautiful,he thinks, he runs his hand on his chest, and Naruto straightens up.

“Not fair,” he pouts, “May I, Sasuke?” Naruto asks, holding Sasuke’s shirt by the hem. Sasuke nods.

“I’m gonna need more than that, I need words, Sasuke. I want to know how you feel and think for the entire time, okay?”

Sasuke was about to give some sort of snarky comment, but aside from his desperation, he does know that what’s about to happen is pretty serious, and he’s thankful Naruto thinks the same.

“Yeah, okay. I-take my shirt off, come on.”

“Good,” Naruto said with so much honesty and innocence, yet it hit Sasuke’s core; heat spreading all over. As Naruto strips him out of his shirt, a huge wave of want and lust washes over Sasuke.

Suddenly he’s so aware of what’s happening, and how he’s feeling, and the rest of his clothes feel like they’re clinging to his skin, it’s so hot, it’s unbearable. So he gets up, and he sees Naruto confused, but he doesn’t say anything, instead, he takes his remaining clothes off.

Sasuke would have probably gotten shy, especially with Naruto’s piercing eyes on him, but he basks underneath his gaze, it’s on me, only me. I’m the one he’s staring at, I’m the one making him like this, no one else.Sasuke chants in his head, and then he kneels. Sasuke would never kneel to anyone, but here, under Naruto, he allows himself to be at his complete mercy. He wants– needs to taste Naruto, his stomach is swirling with need and hunger, he places a hand on top of Naruto’s erection, “Want to taste you, can I?” Sasuke is looking up at Naruto, who is red all over, panting hard.

Naruto inhales, “Do you want-”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” Sasuke answers, and a small smile tugs on his lips.

Yeah, yeah, okay. You could suck me off.”

Sasuke doesn’t waste more time and pulls Naruto’s remaining clothes off, and his gaze darkens as he lays his eyes on Naruto’s co*ck, the hunger he feels is maddening, but he’s going to be slow, a meal to savor, perhaps.

So Sasuke presses a kiss on the tip, and he feels Naruto shudder and twitch beneath him. His body is buzzing, the flesh his lips lay on is warm, solid, it’s pulsing; alive, he wants it in his blood, in his mouth, in him— so he tongues at him, and his hand which was now on Naruto’s thigh tightens and squeezes.

Sasuke may not have done this before, but the taste was exactly how he thought it would be, knowing that this is what Naruto tastes like, it goes straight to his head, and somehow, it makes it taste better; perfect even. He pushes forward, trying to swallow him whole, Naruto is big, bigger than Sasuke, they were around the same length, but Naruto was thicker, it held more girth and weight, and it was veinier. Sasuke tried not to gag, he didn’t want to be too greedy, he wanted to make this good for Naruto too.

He feels Naruto’s hands make their way to his head, brushing his hair out of his face, and running them there lovingly, and Sasuke moans, loudly, sending vibrations through his mouth and to Naruto’s co*ck. And Naruto’s groaning above him, f*ck, I’m doing this to him, Sasuke thinks.

This just urges him further, he runs his tongue around Naruto’s co*ck, molding it inside like it was made to fit there, and bobs his head back and forth, slowly and then quickly; he wants to get Naruto into his mouth as much as he can, and that meant his-

f*ck–Sasuke, wait I’m close, don’t wanna come yet,” Naruto pants, hands tangled in his hair, tugging.

He pulls off, a wet pop ringing in the small room. And he’s catching his breath, looking up at Naruto. He must look .. filthy, but he’s not ashamed, not really. This is what you do to me, you’re the only one who could do this, Sasuke thinks, knowing Naruto must’ve already known that.

Naruto takes a huge breathe, “Hah, that was so good, let me do it-“

“No, need you in me,” Sasuke interrupts, voice coming out rough and deep.

f*ck,Sasuke you’re so— you sure? You feel okay?” Naruto says, still breathing hard.

“Yeah.. yeah, feel okay, feel so good.” Sasuke says, honestly. Naruto must’ve thought he didn’t get pleasure out of it, but to Sasuke, it’s everything. He’s here, on his knees, beneath one of the strongest shinobi ’s mercy, and yet it was Sasuke who made Naruto like this; sweating, panting with his co*ck out, hard, pulsing, and leaking. Sasuke feels more powerful than ever.

f*ck, I can’t take it anymore, come here,” Naruto says, reaching out to Sasuke to pull him up to sit on his lap.

“Yeah? Feeling good, Sasuke?” Naruto asks, but he doesn’t leave room for an answer, instead, he kisses Sasuke deep, long, and wet. He lets himself be kissed, tilts his head, and moans into the kiss, a sound Naruto swallows. He feels like he’s soaring, but so grounded at the same time.

Naruto pulls away, a string of spit connecting their lips, and he coats his fingers easily. Sasuke stares with his red and purple eyes, every scene before him now engraved in his mind. He should feel disgusted, but he isn’t. The next thing he feels is a touch probing beneath him, he shivers,


Mmm, keep going.” He’s sticky with sweat, he feels sensitive, and he feels Naruto everywhere. He felt like wax, continuously melting beneath Naruto’s touch, making him hot and sticky. Or maybe he feels like thick, red, warm, viscous blood. Blood in a chalice for Naruto to drink.

The pad of Naruto’s finger probs in, “Tell me if it hurts, okay?”

Sasuke just nods, but Naruto doesn’t take that for an answer, his finger stays there, waiting for an actual answer.

“f*ck, yes, yes I get it, I’m okay. I’ll tell you if it hurts, promise.” Sasuke rambles, desperate.

It pushes in the tight ring of muscle, and it feels like Naruto is reaching every part of his body, reaching for his heart. Finally, finally.He’s shaking and twitching on Naruto’s lap, clinging onto him for dear life. Soon enough, he was relaxed, and three fingers were stretching him, much to his desperation; Naruto wanted to make sure he was ready.

“Can you lay on your back for me? Is that okay with you?”

“Yeah,” Sasuke says, need evident in his voice, they climb onto the bed, with Sasuke lying on his back, Naruto following him.

He’s hovering over him, tanned, whiskered face kissed by the moonlight, God, he’s so beauti-

Cutting his thoughts short, Naruto presses a wet kiss to his lips, and Sasuke arches, chasing the feeling, only pulling away to catch a breath.

“Naruto, need you, now,” Sasuke pants, gaze heavy with lust, matching Naruto’s, he must be as desperate as me, he thinks.

God, me too, tell me if it’s too much okay?” Naruto reminds, caring as always.

And finally, finally, Naruto eased himself in, and Sasuke almost came, almost blacked out, the stretch was so good, and the pain was bliss. He clings to Naruto, wrapping his arm around Naruto’s back, his grip was strong, but his body was relaxed.

And Sasuke feels full. He finally feels full;his hunger satiated, thirst quenched. It’s like he’s eating Naruto, and Naruto was eating him, they were consuming each other, leaving nothing but bones behind, bite marks etched on them.

It was slow, Naruto was probably afraid of hurting him, “Naruto, come on, I’m not fragile, you’re not gonna hurt me,” Sasuke said, taking his hand to place them on Naruto’s cheek, “You never did,”

A beat. Sasuke witnesses a wave of emotions wash over Naruto’s eyes, and suddenly he’s thrusting in deep, fast; but still controlled.

Sasuke’s mind was so clouded by bliss, pleasure, and the feel of Naruto, his thighs were shaking, and his mouth kept running, chanting – yes, please, more, f*ck, again, Naruto!

Ha, Wait, Sasuke, Can you– deactivate your right eye? your sharingan? Not that I don’t like it I just– I want to see you, just.. you. Please?”

Sasuke hadn’t even realized he had it out, he blinked it away and was greeted by the same blue eyes, but for some reason, the gaze was now softer than ever. These eyes were the ones that always saw right through him, the only one — his one and only.

Naruto drops his weight on top of Sasuke, making them chest to chest; and Sasuke moans louder, “sh*t, sorry, am I too heavy?” Naruto asks.

“N-no. Just like that, stay there. Need you there.” This is where I belong, between you and the mattress; pin me down like a flower between pages of a book until your name is written on my body.

Naruto is groaning so loud, louder now with his mouth near Sasuke’s ear, and Sasuke’s head is spinning.

He can feel Naruto's breath and wants to take it away, “Naruto. Kiss me.” Naruto looks down and kisses him in reply.

Sasuke felt something wet on his face, and Naruto must’ve felt it too because now he was pulling back and– “Sasuke, are you crying? Did I hurt you?”

Sasuke doesn’t answer, instead, he places his hand on his cheek, he is crying, he didn’t think he was.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Sasuke takes a deep breath, “Yeah. Sorry, I-I’m just overwhelmed, I promise, I’m good-”

Naruto places his other hand on Sasuke’s cheek, kissing his teardrops away.

Sasuke moans, “Stay close to me? Please?”

Naruto pulls away from Sasuke’s cheek to look at him, “Of course. You’ll have a hard time getting rid of me, y’know? Don’t think I could let you,” Naruto brightly smiles, and Sasuke chuckles softly.

Naruto kisses Sasuke’s forehead, and leans down to press his forehead onto Sasuke’s; who moans loudly at that, “sh*t, you tightened,”

Sasuke didn’t quite catch that, because now he’s louder than ever, he never thought he’d get this vocal in his life, really. Quick pants and ah’s fill the room.

And Sasuke feels so .. alive. He could feel Naruto everywhere, in him, on his forehead, and on his chest. His chest. The feel of Naruto’s solid and warm chest on his, made Sasuke feel his own heartbeat. Sasuke can hear so much, that he’s overwhelmed, but their heartbeats are singing in his ears. They’re beating together. He and Naruto are finally one. He rolls his eyes back, clinging his arm around Naruto’s back, he wishes his scratches on Naruto wouldn’t heal immediately, so that he could leave a mark of his own.

The next thing he knows is he’s cumming – hard. He paints Naruto and his stomach with his cum, there’s so much, he never thought he’d come this hard.

He hears Naruto moan even louder, it’s ringing in his ears, “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck! That was so hot, was it good, Sasuke? You came untouched, came on my co*ck only,” Naruto says, Sasuke knew Naruto was good with words, not just to this extent, and so he comes, again.

“sh*t, did you just– Haah, I’m not gonna last, can I come inside you?” Naruto says, pleading.

“f*ck, yes! Do it, leave a mark inside, please.” He rambles, desperate.

f*ck!” Naruto groans, kissing Sasuke deeply, biting his lips as he does so. And as Sasuke feels Naruto pulse within him, the taste of blood fills his lips, and he’s full, so full – he’s complete.

They lay in the dark on Naruto’s bed, which really just fits one, but it doesn’t matter, at least not now. Despite making love earlier, this, lying together and breathing, seems to be the deepest intimacy they’ve shared.

They bathe in the kiss of the moonlight, and the gaze of the stars.



“I love you.”

Sasuke’s eyes widen, and he stares at Naruto.

“f*ck, I love you, so much. God, I love everything about you.”

Sasuke had never doubted Naruto’s words. Not once. Never. But he can’t help but ask, “Everything? Despite the things I’ve done? The pain I’ve caused you?” Sasuke breathes in.

“Yes. I think that’s love too. Sure, it wasn’t pretty, but it was ours. I’ve loved everything about you, even when I had a hard time understanding you.”

Sasuke feels a gust of wind from Naruto’s open window, the soft bed beneath him, and the warm, breathing body next to him. He’s alive, and he’s loved. He breathes in, “You did, you did understand me. You always did, always have.” Sasuke softly admits. Like a secret shared between friends, between lovers.

Naruto smiles. “Mhm. I tried my best. You’re so lovable. It feels good loving you.”

This time, Sasuke could feel his eyes water, “It made me better, you know.”

Naruto places a hand on Sasuke’s cheek, “Hm? What did?”

“Loving you,” Sasuke gazes into Naruto’s eyes. And perhaps, all this time, the exchanges of their gazes were one of the best kisses they’ve had, it told everything that had to be told. But Sasuke was a fair man, he decided and opened his mouth to speak it into existence. “I love you too, Naruto.”

Naruto takes a deep breath and smiles. He’s relieved. And at that moment, Sasuke realizes that Naruto knew he loved him, maybe even before he knew it himself.

Sasuke feels Naruto pull him towards him, and he nuzzles his head on Naruto’s chest, ears on his beating heart. It’s loud and alive, and it sings my name, a pattern made for me, just as mine was for his, Naruto must’ve read his heart, for he wraps his arms around Sasuke. Here, within his arms, he lets it, no, — love, roam free. He’s home.

A Bite of His Heart - lovenmaze (2024)


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.