Company foundation
Herbert Schmidt and Bernd Gläsener found Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH in Starnberg, near Munich. The company starts off with a small team, hard work and the avowed aim of becoming the very best in the business.
New partners
Gläsener + Schmidt now represents products from INDEX (until 2003), Heller und Kelch.
Company relocation, with seven employees, to the “Creativ Center” in Starnberg. Equipped with showrooms and warehousing, the company soon seizes the opportunity to expand.
More important partners
With the TRAUB Drehmaschinen GmbH, G+S gains one more important partner (now INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG; until 2003).
Company logo
The company logo of Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH: back then still in red, today in its typical CI green.
Business booms
The benefits of Germany’s status as a strong industrial location: the former Bavarian minister-president Edmund Stoiber offers his congratulations on the company’s performance.
Federal award
Hard work, energy and commitment pay off: Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH is awarded a federal prize for an environmentally sound product.
10th anniversary
To mark its 10th anniversary, Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH publishes a commemorative company newspaper for the workforce. Another milestone was the acquisition of the Richard Hamel GmbH.
Relocation to Hohenschäftlarn
The company outgrows its premises in Starnberg and relocates to a new site in Hohenschäftlarn.
Permanent showrooms
The company opens showrooms in Gelting, Geretsried. The idea to hold a permanent on-site exhibition of machine tools proves to be a great success.
New website
The company launches a web portal for sales of machine tools. In the years to come, the user interface will be continually updated so as to provide exactly the information that customers require to find the right machine tool for their needs.
Holger Kösler becomes managing shareholder
Bernd Gläsener leaves the company. Holger Kösler becomes managing shareholder of Gläsener + Schmidt together with founder Herbert Schmidt.
International trade fairs
Gläsener + Schmidt makes a regular appearance at all the major trade fairs in Germany, including EMO, AMB, Metav Süd, Usetec and Resale.
The advent of SEO
Back in 2007, SEO was starting to hit the news; today, search engine optimization is an essential feature of any successful website. G+S Werkzeugmaschinen works continuously to provide its customers quickly and effectively with all the necessary information on a machine tool.
René Schmidt and Markus Braun join as shareholders
René Schmidt, Herbert Schmidt’s son, and Markus Braun join Gläsener + Schmidt as shareholders.
Expansion of used machine department
The division “used machines” has been being strongly and successfully expanded with further strong new partners on its side.
Creation of the CNC Outlet Center
Good ideas are rapidly realized, and the foundation of CNC Outlet Center GmbH is no exception. Holger Kösler, René Schmidt and Markus Braun are appointed managing directors. The CNC Outlet Center opens in March 2013 at a new site on the industrial estate in Olching. Here, there is ample space for showrooms, warehousing, live demonstrations of CNC machinery in action and offices for Gläsener + Schmidt.
First expansion
As the company continues to expand, space soon becomes limited once again. The premises at the Olching site are enlarged to cover approximately 2,400 m².
New company branding: G+S Werkzeugmaschinen
The new, modern logo focuses on the company’s core business: machine tools (G+S Werkzeugmaschinen). But it also maintains a strong link to the company name: Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH.
Second expansion
A second expansion to the machinery unit is completed, right on time for the company anniversary. This takes the total area to 3,000 m² – enough for up to 100 machine tools. A second 40-metric-ton crane is installed for loading and unloading large machine tools. New seminar rooms provide space for holding events and can also be rented for third-party use.
25th anniversary
Quality products, a wealth of experience and dedication to our core business: for 25 years of company history, G+S Werkzeugmaschinen, along with its CNC Outlet Center, has become the top supplier for CNC machine tools. The company now has 40 employees and is an important international supplier of machine tools, accessories and services.
FaMeta - Trade exhibition for metalworking
After 20 years of abstinence, Bavaria once again has a trade event for metalworking. The CNC Outlet Center in Olching now organises the FaMeta every year with the aim of bringing manufacturers and users closer together - despite adversities such as Covid, the concept works and visitors and suppliers alike enjoy the interesting exchange of experiences and the cosy atmosphere that sets FaMeta apart from other trade fairs.
30 years G+S
For its 30th anniversary, Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH has successfully expanded its field of activity to include the market place for demonstration and storage machines in the CNC Outlet Center and a department for sheet metal working machines. In close cooperation with machine manufacturers, the company has positioned itself broadly in order to always be able to offer machining companies the best possible solution and interesting alternatives.