Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Design custom clothing for your Roblox avatar to earn extra Robux and generate interest from other players.
  • Limited items can be resold for large amounts of Robux after holding onto them for 30 days.
  • Consider buying a membership for a monthly Robux stipend or purchasing Robux in bulk if needed for in-game purchases.

Fans of Roblox understand the importance of getting their hands on Robux throughout the game as it unlocks special things through the experiences. It could be for something like a cool new outfit or a useful item that could take your gameplay to the next level. You are probably wondering about how to make some Robux for yourself, and there are a few easy ways to get it.


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Prior to learning how to get Robux, we need to emphasize that Robux Generators are not real. These generators claim that they generate you free Robux, but in reality, they are just a scam. Their goal is to take your account name and password, then take over your account so you no longer have access. This includes taking all of your items, as well as any Robux you have accumulated.

Updated March 11, 2024 by Jupiter Hadley: Robux can be hard to get your hands on. As such, we've updated this list with another option, which is completely free.

7 Design Custom Clothing

An Eye For Design

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (2)

If you have a creative side, then you should consider starting your own Roblox avatar clothing brand. You can create pants, shirts, and t-shirts for avatars that other players can purchase in the store. The prices for the items are all over the map, and it is up to you to research similar designs to learn what they are going for in the catalog. It is a great way to make some extra Robux if this sounds like something you might be interested in doing.

To make your own clothes, you will need to have a membership. Fortunately, you can quickly earn this money back if you have popular and trendy designs. The minimum amount you can charge for shirts and pants is five Robux, so after a few sales, you will start to build up a nice supply of Robux to spend in other games. To promote your clothing, you can wear them in-game; other players might become interested in your clothes and ask how you got them. Additionally, you can post your creations on social media.

If you are interested in making clothes, you can head over to the official Roblox site and download the template for clothing.

6 Resell Limited Items

Buy For Zero, Sell For Profit

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (3)

Limited Items aren't things that you can sell right away in Roblox. Only specifically accepted creators and developers can sell Limited Items. They are wearables, but unlike other Roblox clothing, there are only a set number of these available. Many games currently give away Limited Avatar Items for free. Often, you will have to join a game and do a specific set of tasks to unlock and item or claim it from a specific area.


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Once you have the Limited Item, you will need to hold onto it for a period of 30 days. After that, you can set the price and sell the item. As these are limited in the amount that can be purchased, there are a lot of well designed items that become valuable, selling for large amounts of Robux. If you got the item for zero or for a smaller amount, you can make back what you spent and have a bit left over!

5 Buy A Membership

Money, Money, Money

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (5)

If you sign up for a premium membership then you are automatically given a stipend of so many Robux each month. If you pay $4.99 per month then you will receive 450 Robux, while those paying $9.99 a month will be given 1,000 Robux per month.

The highest tier will charge you $19.99 a month and you will be given 2,200 Robux which is more than enough to have fun with and buy expensive limited items.

4 Microsoft Rewards

Easy Tasks, With Rewards

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (6)

Microsoft Rewards are essentially tasks that reward you with Robux. As you complete tasks, you will be rewarded with points that can be redeemed for a reward. To get 100 Robux, you will need 1,500 points. This may sound like a lot, but some tasks reward a hefty amount of points. For example, you can answer questions on 'This or That?' and earn up to 50 points.

The Robux option for Microsoft Rewards is not constant. Sometimes, this may not be available to redeem. If this is the case, you may just need to wait a bit until Robux is available again.

This is a bit of a long process, especially if you want large amounts of Robux, but overall, it's pretty low effort and just takes a little bit of time every day.


Help From Strangers

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (7)

PLS DONATE is a unique game that allows you to donate Robux to other players. More often than not, you will be dealing with small amounts of Robux, as shown in the image above. This game also has codes to help you get started.


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By logging in daily and donating, you can earn Giftbux, which can be used to purchase items such as a donation booth. It's important to note that prior to setting up your booth, you will need to create a Gamepass to sell. Here, you can check out a quick tutorial on how to do so.

2 Purchase Robux

Money Does Talk

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (9)

Finally, you can purchase Robux if the membership doesn't give you enough. The price intervals for purchasing Robux in bulk are the same as membership prices. You will pay $4.99 for 400 Robux, $9.99 for 800 Robux, or $19.99 for 1,700 Robux.

Subscribing to the monthly membership is a slightly better deal if you only plan to purchase Robux once a month. We recommend purchasing the Roblox membership first before you begin to purchase Robux in bulk. If the amount you get for the membership is not enough, you can always buy more.

Physical Robux gift cards can also be purchased at stores. The rates for these cards are the same as if you were to purchase Robux online, however they sometimes have limited wearables.

1 Honorable Mention: Building A Game

The Long Grind

Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (10)

Although this isn't really 'easy', you can also earn Robux by building your own game

If your game has a following then Roblox will use a metric to see how many premium players often play this game, and then you will be rewarded with a stipend. Below, you can check out some features in your game that can help you get even more Robux.

  • Encourage Non-Premium Players to Upgrade
  • Host Paid Events
  • Enable Private Game Servers
  • Create Items That Can Be Bought Multiple Times
  • Create One Time Purchases
  • Sell Access To Your Game

Making your own game requires some background in game design. If you are new to this, try taking your time and making sure that your game is something that you would want to play yourself.

You can start building your own game by heading to Roblox Studio.

Overall, making a game is not an easy process. We recommend taking a look at other popular games on Roblox to see how yours measures up. If your game seems like it would do well, then give it a go and make it!


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Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux (2025)


Roblox: Easy Ways To Get Robux? ›

While there is no way to get Robux for free, you can purchase Robux individually, or through a premium subscription. You can also earn Robux by making clothing and accessories for Roblox avatars or by making making pay-to-play games or games with in-game purchases.

What is the easiest way to get Robux on Roblox? ›

Ways to Get Robux
  1. You can sell avatar items on the Marketplace and get a percentage of the profit.
  2. Any user can build an experience and earn Robux in a variety of ways.
  3. The Developer Exchange program allows you to exchange earned Robux for real money.

How to get Robux without paying? ›

One legitimate way to get Robux without paying is by winning them through official Roblox events or giveaways. However, these are rare and highly competitive. An easier and more exciting option is winning official Roblox gift cards through apps like Playbite. Yes, you read that right!

How do you give Robux for free on Roblox? ›

There is no way to directly send Robux to another player in Roblox, aside from purchasing a gift card and sending it to your friend. You can send Robux by having them create a simple clothing item or game pass that you can purchase from them. You can also transfer group funds to any group member.

How to get free 1000000 Robux? ›

Its not easy to get 1 million robux. Many sites such as oprewards and free robux generators promise free robux and more. However, these are all scams and should be avoided. The only way to earn that much is the legal way, trading items, buying robux, and learning how to develop games on roblox.

What is the code for 1000 Robux? ›

The truth is, there is no specific code that gifts you 1000 Robux. Roblox does not use codes to distribute Robux directly. Instead, Robux can be acquired through purchasing with real money or via Roblox gift cards.

How long is 800 Robux pending? ›

It can take from 5 days to 21 days.

How to buy Robux instantly? ›

If you're playing Roblox on your phone or tablet, tap the hexagonal Robux icon in the game and select the Robux package you want. Then, pay with your Google Play, iTunes, or Amazon account. If you're on a computer, click the Robux tab and pay for Robux with a credit card, debit card, gift card, or PayPal.

How long does 1000 Robux take to pend? ›

Usually, it takes about 3-7 days for 1000 robux to pend, but sometimes it can be quicker or take up to 30 days based on the transaction type and your account status. Anywhere from 3-7 days, but occasionally it might stretch to 30 days. Roblox can be unpredictable!

How much is 10,000 Robux? ›

$20.00 – 1600 Robux. $50.00 – 4000 Robux. $100 – 8000 Robux. $125 – 10 000 Robux.

What is another way to get Robux for free? ›

While there is no way to get Robux for free, you can purchase Robux individually, or through a premium subscription. You can also earn Robux by making clothing and accessories for Roblox avatars or by making making pay-to-play games or games with in-game purchases.

How am I getting Robux for free? ›

There is no such thing as free Robux or membership offers, tricks, or codes. If a person, video, website, or game tries to tell you there is one, this is a scam and a violation of our Terms of Use.

How do you use free Robux codes? ›

Make sure that you're logged into your Roblox account on which you want to redeem the code. Go to Redeem Roblox Codes. Enter your code in the box. Click Redeem.

How to refund Robux? ›

In general, we are not able to offer a refund for items purchased within an experience. All purchases with Robux requires users to click on a confirmation box as a precaution against making accidental purchases and many experiences also have a confirmation window for purchases with their in-experience's currency.

How to get 450 Robux in Roblox? ›

  1. Premium 450. $4.99. /mo. Get 450 each month. Subscribe Now.
  2. Premium 1000. $9.99. /mo. Get 1000 each month. Subscribe Now.
  3. Premium 2200. $19.99. /mo. Get 2200 each month. Subscribe Now.

How do you get 500 Robux for free? ›

Sadly, there's no official way to get 500 Robux for free.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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